Friday, December 14, 2012

Amanda Lepore Breast, Lips, Nose Before and After Plastic Surgery

Amanda Lepore plastic surgery before and after.
Amanda Lepore plastic surgery before and after.
Amanda Lepore her lips just get larger.
The lovely Amanda Lepore is in the house! Her lips are now larger than ever! I genuinely believe she has lip implants AND get lip collagen injections.

Amanda Lepore's Obsession With Plastic Surgery.

How much plastic surgery has Amanda Lepore had? First, she had a sex change from male to female. Then her eyes were lifted, her forehead hairline was lowered, her lips were plumped, her ribs were broken to give her a curvier shape, her rear end was implanted for more roundness, plus, she had rhinoplasty. Watch and listen to her discuss it on the video below.
Amanda Lepore Before The Brow Lift Plastic Surgery.

Obviously Amanda Lepore has had a LOT of plastic surgery. The whole cartoon-like women is the look that she’s after, but even extreme plastic surgery like Amanda’s can be done tastefully. Quite honestly, I think her brow lift is heinous and very poorly executed.
It looks like her plastic surgeon pulled her brow up as far as it could possibly go, stapled her forehead in place and sent her on her way.